Welcome Radiant Soul!

Ready to release the depleting grip of discomfort, uncertainty, pain, struggle, and past trauma in your life?

Ready to embrace radical resilience, true joy, and radiant health and wholeness?


Emotional Healing & Vibrational Energy Healing Can Get You There!

Areas of Expertise:

  • Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Overwhelm
  • Unresolved trauma and adverse childhood experiences
  • Sexual Trauma
  • Relationship Struggles with Self, Partner, Children, Business Partners/Co-Workers
  • Physical issues such as chronic pain, auto-immune, fibromyalgia, Epstein Barr Virus, adrenal fatigue, and cancer
  • Sensitivity to sound, light, energies (HSP/Empaths)
  • Blocks to love, self love, and the ability to attract and experience deeply loving relationships
  • Inner Child Work/Healing

Having dealt with all of these issues in my own life, I have an intimate understanding of the painful, destructive, and self sabotaging patterns that can play out in life if they aren’t addressed and healed. They steal your joy and hold you back in every area life. I invite you to stop settling for less than your true heart’s desire.

Many of my clients have tried traditional therapy and other holistic wellness processes, with some helpful, but not transformative results. They felt that something was missing and didn’t get the truly (w)holistic, lasting results they’d hoped for. With the proven processes I work with, my clients experience rapid transformation and lasting results.

Are you ready to do what it takes to change the meaning of the stories of your past, process emotions in a healthy way, and build radical resilience so that you can feel energized and excited to enjoy life?

Learn to be self-empowered in all areas of your life with deeply transformative processes for clearing trauma at the root cause (without having to re-live the trauma), releasing negative habits and thought patterns, letting go of chronic pain, and improving health, happiness, clarity, and fulfillment. Let’s connect with a complimentary Insight Connection Call.

What to Expect

Hello Radiant Soul, Angela Shakti Sparks here! There are no coincidences and I’m so glad you are here.

I love connecting with amazing women (and men) and facilitating transformational break throughs for anyone feeling stuck or plateaued in their journey to rise above issues such as anxiety, overwhelm, grief, depression, sexual trauma, auto-immune disorders, chronic physical pain and fatigue, Epstein Barr Virus, being sensitive to energies (empathic), attracting unhealthy relationships, and being blocked in the ability to open to deep love  – all of which I have struggled with and risen above in my own life.

Perhaps this is you – or perhaps there is a friend or loved one that comes immediately to mind. 

Having spent far too long being unhappy, unfulfilled, emotionally reactive, and in constant physical pain, with relentless anxious / worrisome thoughts on top of it all, my mission is to help make the journey to health and true happiness as easy as possible and in much less time than it took me through years and years of trial and error.

I am passionate about holistic methods of rising above pain, dis-ease, and overwhelm, and guiding women in the remembrance of their true radiance, power, self healing abilities, and innate joy and reclaiming their energy, health, and wellness.

With over 11 years experience with holistic healing methods and channeling healing energy and intuitive guidance, I combine the most efficient and effective tools and practices for deep transformation!

Seeing you in your radiance, joy, and empowerment,

Angela Shakti Sparks, CCP, CH, RYT, AEFTP
~Certified Master Coach & Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
~Certified Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy®
~Energy Medicine Training
~Registered Yoga Teacher (Yoga and Therapeutic Breathwork)
~Certified Crystal Practitioner
~Accredited EFT Tapping Practitioner
~Chakra Balancing and Founder of Evolved Energetics
~Intuitive Vibrational Energy Healing & Energetic Alignment Mentor